These trails represent collections of the best trails within the five river frontage towns: Bradford, Sutton, Webster, Warner and Hopkinton. Currently, only a few trails in the watershed actually travel along the Warner River. These trails are marked with asterisks. However, beyond the ¼ mile buffer zone of our Designated River lie other wonderful trails! Please consider this a resource to help you explore trails both near and far from the river. [Please note that the access to trails and other locations may change depending on weather, town actions, and/or owners’ decisions.]
Are we missing a trail you think we should know about? Please use the Contact Us form to tell us!
The Town of Bradford has created a great map overview of their public lands with short descriptions of each property, which we have used here. You can find this map here.
**Tilley Wheeler Trail and Whitman Park
This is a short trail from Gillingham Drive to Church Street. Once a 1960s style ‘Fitness Trail”, it is an easy walk that follows the old railroad bed. Whitman Park, 1.8 acres, is on the north side of the trail, along Route 103. It was donated in memory of Richard Whitman and is known for its wildflowers and maturing trees. Church Street to Gillingham Drive – 0.3 miles
**Bradford Pines Natural Area
This is a small State-owned preserve with a stand of very large white pine on the banks of West Branch Brook. There is a short, easy trail from a highway turnout, watch for a small trail sign. Route 103 to large pines - 0.1 miles.
**Bike and walking trails behind the Bradford Community Center Bradford Train Depot
Low State Forest
This is wooded, high country of 1117 acres in total with 900 acres within Bradford. The state has created several openings to increase diversity of wildlife habitat off the Dunfield Road which runs through it. Motorized vehicles are prohibited.
Bradford Bog
A boardwalk passes through a rare Atlantic White Cedar swamp to the quaking bog and viewing platform. A trail guide is available at the trailhead. Easy, level hike, but the boardwalk is slippery when wet. The New England Wild Flower Society donated the core property to the town in 1971 to protect the rare Atlantic white cedar swamp, quaking bog, and associated plant communities. Combined with the adjacent Goodridge Conservation Area, this property covers approximately 180 acres, protected by easement. East Washington Road to observation platform - 0.3 miles.
Pearl Town Forest
John and Lena Pearl donated this 37 acre parcel to the town in 1980. It is a short walk through maturing woods with wetlands on either side of a small ridge. Parking is possible in dry seasons a short distance along the former Butman Road. Cellar holes of Butman and Jackson farms are at the end of the road. An additional 6.5 acres of landlocked wetland has been added to this town-owned property.
Webb-Croll Reservation
This 94-acre town property is held in conservation easement by the Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust (ASLPT). It features a beautiful wetland, lots of trail along the Lane River (including a new bridge made out of an I-beam turned on its side), and two glacial features, an erratic and an esker. All of these are marked on the ASPLT property map. You can also watch a video tour of the property here.
King Hill Reservation
This Town of Sutton property was formerly a downhill ski area. It is also held in easement by the Ausbon Sargent Land Trust, and is 441 acres. The map shows trails with vernal pools, lots of old stone walls, and two cellar holes. Because it was a downhill ski area, there are many great views from the top.
**Concord-Lake Sunapee Rail Trail: Bagley section
This section of Rail Trail continues to see daily use 5 years after opening. The original 1/2 mile section was lengthened to 8/10 of a mile in 2017 with a project that included the re-decking of a 100′ bridge over the Warner River. You can find an interactive map of the rail trail here.
Chandler Reservation

The Chandler Reservation, land owned by the Town of Warner, currently consists of approximately 1524 acres. Four main trails weave through the generally steep terrain, with a high percentage of the land in excess of 25% slope. This area includes a moderately easy short woods walk (a loop) as well as steep trails that cross the Mink Hills from Mink Hills Lane to Howe Lane. You can also climb the abandoned ski slope at the end of Mink Hills Lane to get views of the White Mountains, including Mt. Chocorua. The ski slope is only occasionally brush-hogged, so it’s best to climb this in the winter. You can find maps here.
Carroll State Forest
Concord-Lake Sunapee Rail Trail: Riverside section
This trail travels along the Warner River between Depot Rd. and the Dalton Covered Bridge, all in downtown Warner. It offers lovely views of the river, and the town library manages a Story Walk here as well (the story begins at the Depot Rd. entrance). You can access it by parking in the town lot on Depot Rd. and walking downhill a short ways to find the entrance marked with a kiosk on your left. Or you may park at the Dalton Covered Bridge on Joppa Rd. and enter there.
**Ordway Woods
This is a picnic area located on the river-side of Rt. 103, traveling north out of Warner. It is small but scenic and offers a quiet spot to admire the river.
Jim Mitchell/Children’s Community Park

The Jim Mitchell Community park honors the families, children, artists, musicians and authors of Warner NH. Located on the grounds of Main Street Bookends of Warner, the gardens feature an arboretum showcasing beautiful varieties of native shrubs and perennials, including a giant mulberry tree, recognized as the oldest and largest in the state. The grounds are 100% solar powered with a rain- water irrigation system, in keeping with the park’s permaculture vision.
Silver Lake Recreation Area
Silver Lake is a conveniently located scenic beach area, situated just up the road from the center of town. Silver Lake has been a long time favorite spot for families in the area as it features great swimming, fishing, restrooms and a nice beach area. Bring your fishing rods, beach chairs, a good book and a picnic lunch for the perfect summer afternoon. Here is a map and more information.
Stevens Brook Conservation Area on North Rd.
Stevens Brook originates at a marsh in Sutton, several miles from the Warner/Sutton town line. Stevens Brook flows southerly between I-89 and North Road. It enters the river just south of the I-89 interchange at exit 9.
Source: Warner Conservation Plan, p. 6.

Mt. Kearsarge via the Lincoln Trail
Pass by Black Mountain (2539’) as you hike the Lincoln Trail beginning at Kearsarge Valley Road, south of the Country Club of NH golf course. The trail is 4.5 miles one way. The trail, blazed with white trapezoids of the Sunapee, Ragged, and Kearsarge Greenways, ends at the top of Mt. Kearsarge with its 360 degree views of Mass, VT, and NH. It also includes a side trail with views of Sutton, New London, and Mt. Sunapee.
Located on East Main Street, Bradford NH, this Plaque and Marker commemorates the location where the Marquis de Lafayette stopped on his final tour of the United states in 1824-1825. General Lafayette played a pivotal role in securing the independence of the United States during the American Revolution of 1776-1783. The Lafayette Trail is a non profit organization based in Maryland, is a group dedicated to marking the visits of the General. Founded by Julian Icher in 2019, the organization has plans to place over 175 markers throughout the 24 states that comprised the Union during his time.

Warner is home to several villages, located along the River. Waterloo, located off route 103, sprang up to take advantage of the drops, which provided a place to build the first saw mill, and grist mills. The people in the foreground of the black and white photo are viewing the railroad depot, covered bridge, the station masters home, and the old waterloo cemertary. The sign says, “railroad crossing. Look out the the engine while the bell rings!” The station was converted into the Waterloo District post office, and is currently a home to a local printing business. (Courser, Buchar 2012)

The Town of Hopkinton has conserved many parcels of land throughout the town. Only one of them offers views of the Warner River, but we have listed a few here that are great even without the river to keep you company. You can find information about all the Hopkinton conservation land on the Conservation Commission website.
**Bohanan Farm: Amesbury Field Rd.
This is a large working dairy farm famous for their Contoocook Creamery products (we highly recommend the chocolate milk). They have many trails on their property, conserved with the help of the Five Rivers Conservation Trust (5RCT). The Amesbury Field Rd. leads across their fields out to the confluence of the Contoocook and Warner Rivers. It is 3.2 miles round trip and takes about 1.5 hours. You can find a map here.
Hopkinton Greenway: Kimball Lake, Ransmeier Woods and connectors
This 4.5 mi loop of interconnected trails circles Hopkinton Village and runs through wetlands, beautiful mixed hardwood and coniferous forest, and even includes a waterfall (when the water table is high!). It takes about 2.5 hours to complete. Maps can be found here.
Hawthorne Town Forest
This 111-acre property connects to the Greenway. It loops through dense hemlock and sunny mixed hardwood forests. It is about 1.7 miles long. You can find the map here.
Sweatt Preserve
This 2 mile loop trail meanders through a lovely property owned by the 5RCT. It follows the course of two brooks with several footbridges. It has abundant and diverse wildflowers in the spring. You can find a map here.
Concord-Lake Sunapee Rail Trail: Stevens Rail Trail - Warner Exit 7 Davisville to Hopkinton
In Warner, park to the right of the trail gate alongside Old Warner Road in Davisville. In Hopkinton, park to the right of the Hopkinton library by the kiosk and walk/ride along the back access road to the intersection of Spring Street and Krzyzaniak Lane. Cross the road here and you will see an orange trail gate. You can find an interactive map of this rail trail section here.